They say that January-February are supposed to be the slowest months for photographers. That may be true, but for me, I feel like I still have not come up for air since last June!! I’m not complaining one bit, mind you. I LOVE being busy…it’s the sign of a healthy business as far as I’m concerned. Through the holidays, I had many family sessions, a few senior sessions, and a couple engagement sessions. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to blog all of them, but here’s a start!
Amanda and Vincent are high school sweethearts. I’ve known Vincent and his family for about seven years now and Amanda a few years less. These two are so sweet, at least to me! 🙂 We had fun taking their portraits all around Vincent’s grandfather’s farm, which allowed for so many different and fun textures in the images. Living in the Willamette Valley, we had to deal with fitting in a session between the rain and early sunset times…very difficult these days. But, we were still able to have fun and actually avoid the rain altogether!
Here are my favs: