Okay, I have to share the funniest story about me regarding Patty and Matt’s engagement. As you may know, my husband is the pastor at Calvary Fellowship here in Eugene. Well, Matt is our high school pastor and I thought I kind of knew him pretty well. Patty, on the other hand, I didn’t know quite as well…so, when I sat down next to Patty who was sitting next to Matt in church one Sunday morning and saw that she had an engagement ring on her little pretty finger, I was so surprised and asked her “so, who are you engaged to?” Patty thought I was joking…and I was definitely not! I had no idea that they were even dating!!! We all had a great laugh in the back seats of the church that morning. 🙂 So, to prove to me and the whole world that these two are in fact in love and getting married, here’s their engagement session. We had such a fun time taking these photos on the University of Oregon campus. We even went into Mac Court, where Matt played basketball for the Ducks.
Kim, you have a great eye for the unusual “shot” and thus manage to catch that unique look we all seek.